2016 Learning Intensives at The DecoZone


The DecoZone 2016 will soon be here and we couldn’t be more excited to share this year’s biggest trends in home decor from some of the industry’s best designers!

Aside from our two-day conference, we also have a ton of optional learning intensives on July 16 that will delve deeper into a variety of topics that can’t quite be covered in our typical conference setting.

You can choose one or you can choose many, it’s up to you! But this is your chance to learn from some of the best trainers in the industry in addition to attending the 7th annual DecoZone!

Here’s a brief rundown of all of this year’s Learning Intensives!


Closing the Sale & Pricing Strategies

9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


Click here to REGISTER

A confidence-building talk on how to bid for design projects in today’s economy. To run a successful business you need to price competitively and confidently for your services, and to gain understanding and keep a close watch on your business’ “close rate.”

Mastering Public Speaking Once and For All

9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


Click here to REGISTER

For many, the fear of public speaking is right up there with death. Most can do it but it is not in their comfort zone. However, some have found it to be the way to catch the brass ring. Public speaking is easier than you think if you just know some of the tricks and tips.

BONUS:  Your 1- to 3-minute promo video will be recorded to use in your online marketing if you bring your iPhone or iPad.

Styling Secrets and Strategies

9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.


Click here to REGISTER

Wall colors selected, furniture in place, and now the fun part…styling the room. From floor to ceiling, the room would feel unfinished and lacking in personality without the addition of wall décor and accessories. Join us for this fun and creative seminar that will turn you into a styling Ninja.


Unlock the Secrets of Vacant Staging Success

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Click here to REGISTER

Interested in getting started in Vacant Staging? Want to create additional revenue & services? We’ll unlock the Secrets & 6 Steps of a successful vacant staging, how to avoid common pitfalls, and share forms & scripts to use along the way. Join us for this fun & fast moving DecoZone Intensive that will increase your bottom line in no time!

Deja Vu Decorating

12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Click here to REGISTER

Chances are you’ve never experienced anything quite like this at market! Let’s take a decorative stroll down memory lane and explore ways to bring the past into the present with pretty and simple vintage style.

Shoot Your Best Shot

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Alisa Ligrani – $79

Click here to REGISTER

Have you ever wanted to hack those little secrets to getting the perfect shot of that space you’ve been working on? How about getting a great angle on your headshot for your portfolio or business? From lighting and makeup tricks to handy apps, you’ll learn all you need to get that perfect portrait by yourself, without all of that extensive camera equipment.

What You Need to Know to Open a Retail Location and Understand the Art of Wholesale Buying

 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Diane Agricola – $199

Click here to REGISTER

Want the scoop on opening your own shop? Learn the secrets of wholesale shopping like a pro. Go on a guided tour of all three building of AmericasMart. BONUS:  One hour coaching session after conference.

Get it Done: Houzz Pro and Business Pinterest

3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Kris Porter – $139

Click here to REGISTER

Have you been putting off the set-up of your Houzz PRO account and Business.Pinterest? Do you know the best practices for attracting your clients on these free social marketing sites? These platforms allows you to collaborate and maximize the power of testimonials while optimizing the online, FREE, 24/7 marketing sites for your business. Make sure to bring your laptop or iPad.

How to Build Your Staging Inventory

3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Click here to REGISTER

Learn how to address one of the biggest challenges facing home stagers – building a smart staging inventory. We will explore the pros and cons of owning inventory vs. renting. You will also receive a comprehensive buying guide. Get first-hand knowledge on how to successfully build and grow your inventory without breaking the bank.

The Magic Key to Attracting More Paying Clients More Often

3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Angela Brooks-Osborne – $199


Do you struggle with attracting clients? And often when you do attract new clients, they are the wrong ones? Their expectations are unreasonable? They want it all for free? In this 3 hour workshop you will learn:

  • How to evaluate each of your service offerings to ensure you are effectively marketing them to best attract the ideal client and get more jobs you LOVE!

  • How to create clear servicing offerings, allowing your website and promotion material to sell your services for you!

  • How to position yourself in the market place to create a clear message about your value and avoid competition winning your clients.

  • 5 Mistakes Decorators and Stagers make, that keep them from attracting their ideal clients!

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