Home decorating projects can be stressful – especially when you don’t want to make a mistake that could ruin it or the project itself ends up not turning out the way you wanted it to.
We’re helping you find the confidence to tackle to the projects you always wanted to complete with these home decorating and design mistakes and how you can avoid them.
Choosing a paint color first: Never go with the paint color first! When you choose a color first you’ll quickly limit yourself in the colors of decor and accessories you can bring into the room. Instead, go for your biggest pieces of furniture, accessories, and curtains, and you’ll soon find that the color that belongs on the wall kind of just falls into place with it all!
Not creating a flow: Some people make the mistake of arranging their furniture against the walls of a room. Don’t be afraid to pull your couch off the wall and create a bit of personal space in the room. Bringing the furniture and other home decor pieces out into the open will not only open your eyes to the beautiful items you already own, but it will create an easy flow in the room.
Matching the curtains to the windows: Oftentimes, when we visit a client’s home, we find that they’re hanging their curtains too low. Did you know you can create the illusion of a taller room when you move your curtain rods up? Don’t make the room, and the windows, look small by covering the glass only. Take the rods up to the ceiling and make sure the drapes reach the floor. You’ll love the dramatic look it creates.
Too matchy-matchy: The trend used to be to make every piece of furniture in your home match each other. But that is a thing of the past. Today, the best thing you can do for the look of your home is to not be afraid to mix it up. A matching dresser, bookcase, and desk may not look the best in your space, so don’t be afraid to pick anchor pieces you love.
Going light on the lights: We’re all suckers for natural light but make sure your home has plenty of other lighting sources as well. If you rely too heavily on natural light then your home is going to feel pretty dark once the sun goes down. Smaller lamps that emit a glowing light will help take the cozy factor up a notch in the room as well!
Going for looks over comfort: The worst thing you can do for yourself (and your body) is to choose furniture that looks cool and on-trend but is super uncomfortable. Go with plush furniture that you and your guests will enjoy sitting on.