We’ve all had them, the clients, the ones that don’t know what they want, think they know what they want, or want a millionaire’s pantry on a pretty dim budget. Working with difficult clients is definitely no easy feat, but we’re here to help.
Here are some tips on dealing with difficult clients:
1. The clients who need it now: You have likely already encountered the client who needs it when he or she decides she wants it. There’s no waiting around. They’re probably a little overbearing and makes you rethink you’re entire career path every once in a while. This is a client that will need to be gently reminded that the disorganization she thrives on hinders your business, and you can’t keep helping her if urgent requests are around every corner.
2. The indecisive client: The most important thing to do with an indecisive client is to build trust. Because making a decision on their own is so difficult, having a designer they can trust will make the job easier on both of you. Showing that you really understand their wants and needs will let them know that they can trust you to make a purchasing or decorating decision for them that they’re really going to love.
3. The one who wants to do it “their” way: Not all clients realize that they don’t have to key to all of life’s secrets. Unfortunately, when you have one of these clients you’re going to have to be the one who lets them know that there are certain ways you run your business, without their input.
4. The client who is never around: While the client who is always around announcing what they think should be done and how it should be completed can be frustrating, so is the client who is never around and hard to get in touch with. As a home decorator, you need your clients around so you can complete projects and move on to the next client. If you feel your client is a little flaky, let them know that you really need to keep communication channels open so that the project can be finished on time and on budget.