We may be halfway over with winter, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to decorate your home! As home decorating and staging enthusiasts (and professionals), we can never pass up an opportunity to decorate a home, no matter how far into the season we are!
Check out our three favorite winter decor trends:
1. Shades of Gray – It can be easy to slip into those winter blues with dreary colors everywhere, but decorating your home in gray doesn’t have to bring down the mood. Winter-morning grays are the new “neutrals,” and we love it.
2. Knits – Who doesn’t love snuggling up in a giant knit blanket? We’re talking arm-knitted blankets that make you fee like you’re in a giant bed you’ll never have to leave. And why would you? Try adding some to your home decor this winter, and you’ll love both the functionality and the look of these throws.
3. Vintage – Joanna Gaine and Fixer Upper has set off a vintage firestorm. And its popularity on HGTV has made it one of winter’s biggest trends. To help create that vintage charm in your home we suggest adding some old globes, books, and event artwork to set out around the house.