Stiletto Success Tip

November 4, 2014

Last week we shared insight into what makes us shake in our stilettos and hinders success. Now, we want to share some tips to help you stop shaking, being indecisive and make those “boots” work for you.

Stiletto Success Tip 1:

To rock “Stilettos”, you need great legs… You’ve got to do the leg work!  Decide how much money you want to make, then plan and schedule appointments to make that goal your reality.  Setting financial goals will help you manage your calendar to create the funds to satisfy your intention.  Write it down and make it happen.  ~Cheryl Cousins


Stiletto Success Tip 2:  

Facts Tell but Stories Sell. Take the time to create a library of stories that when told will help you overcome objections, sell yourself, sell your services and dispel fear.  ~Carol Bass


Stiletto Success Tip 3:
Don’t set a precedent you can’t keep. Price reduction for certain clients, special rates for friends, freebies, etc.  Decide now how you will show your appreciation, and stick to it.  Keeping  your rates the consistent will eliminate hurt feelings in the future. Hosting a charity event is a great way to give to the community without causing confusion. ~Sandra Racz

Stiletto Success Tip 4:  

Busy doesn’t always mean Successful.  Often too busy may mean your prices are too low or you are wasting time doing things that don’t make you money. Be more efficient by using virtual tools or apps, handle less clients by pricing for profit, and monitor the time wasters you pretend are for business growth.

~JoAnne Lenart-Weary

Stiletto Success Tip 5:  Make a “not to do” list.  If you’re offering a service that doesn’t really fit your business any more … stop it.  Just because a client asks for a service, doesn’t mean you’re THE one who has to do it.  Find someone else who enjoys providing that service, and see if there’s a “commission fee” for you connecting them to the client.  Some times you’ve got to kick off those heels. ~Kris Porter

Share a success story with us.  We want to strut with you.


A Stiletto Success Story:  Allie Milus

Allie Milus earned her Interior Redesign, One Day Decorating and Home Staging certification in April. She went on to earn Confident Color certification, attend the Deco-Zone, had hours of coaching and built her brand, Bloom This Room.  Allie admitted she was anxious to start her new career, even spent hours using “perfectionism” as an excuse not to launch.  “I need to know more.” Allie admitted. while  admirable, it could be a crutch.  It was time to pull the boots on, walk like you know how and if you trip…GET UP! (maybe even laugh at yourself.) This week Allie entered the Facebook Coffee Table challenge and WON.  Check out the pumpkin carved with her “Bloom This Room”  logo.  Yes, she did earn a few brownie points with her photo.  She added books for height and texture. Way to work those heels.

Considering there are four seasons, dozens of holidays, numerous events and billions spent on decorating…Can you see how Seasonal Decorating is one powerful revenue stream?  Whether you want to become certified and enjoy this lucrative service or you want to know the tips, tricks and resources for your own home join us.
Sandra Racz and Carol Bass will host the certified Seasonal Decorating class on:
Listen Online Live or On-Demand
Bonus Opportunity (Not a Requirement):  Hands On Seasonal Decorating Field House, December 2 in two locations:  Park City, Utah and Nashville, TN


Marketing Webinar-20-15 Minute Ways to turn Your Business into a Money Machine-$29

Nov13-7-8:30 PM plus available as a recording


It’s time to look at 2014 with either utter delight at your business growth or disappointment as you contemplate throwing in the towel. The problem is…you probably hate everything that comes with marketing your business.  But it is the necessary evil that can turn talent into money.  Join JoAnne Lenart-Weary for a no-nonsense easy to follow marketing strategy for 2015.  Twenty plus ideas you can accomplish in 15 minutes or less that are guaranteed to increase your bottom line.


Register Now: 20-15 Webinar




11/10-14 One Day Decorating/Redesign & Home Staging,Chicago, IL – Porter
11/10-14 One Day Decorating/Redesign & Home Staging-Park City, UT-Racz


11/10-14 One Day Decorating/Redesign & Home Staging,  Atlanta, GA – Cousins

11/10-14 One Day Decorating/Redesign & Home Staging–  Nashville, TN-Bass

11/10-14 One Day Decorating/Redesign & Home Staging– Park City, UT-Racz

11/13-14 Confident Color System-Online Intensive-Lenart-Weary


11/5    Williamson County Newcomers Club, Nashville, TN   Bass
11/12  Redesigner & Stager Monthly Meeting, Nashville, TN  Bass

11/22  “Taste and See”:  A Interior Redesign Event, Cary, IL  Porter

11/25  Last Tuesday FREE Webinar


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