Just My Imagination? – Cheryl Cousins

Just My Imagination? – Cheryl Cousins

Do you have a vivid imagination? Growing up in Peekskill NY, my sisters and I walked to and from school, a seventeen-minute walk per google maps, but more like a twenty-five-minute trek each way, for tiny legs.  Kindergarten through sixth grade and in every season, whatever the weather forecast, we made our way, meandering through the neighborhood.  Bundled in layers in winter or carrying bubble shaped umbrellas in spring (remember those?), I absolutely loved our daily walks to Woodside.  I chuckle to myself today, thinking about why it thrilled me so.  I would look at each home and imagine its interior.  I wondered if the exterior colors were repeated inside and what furnishings graced each space. I was curious.  I am still curious. More, I am driven by decorating and the sheer joy of helping people unearth and showcase their interior deco-style. Did you know there are great health benefits to living with things you love? Psychologist agree that overall wellbeing gets a boost with the implementation of simple interior decorating techniques. Example; fabrics that mimic water movement or natural plant patterns are calming and induce positive feelings of contentment.  When I encourage clients to live pretty, it’s prescribed love. Live pretty, and feel ah-mazing… imagine that!

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