Fall is Full of Color and Emotion

Fall is Full of Color and Emotion

Fall is Full of Color and Emotion

People tend to either love it or hate it!!!  Some people are amazed with the vibrant colors and smells of fall and enjoy it while its colors are short lived.  While other people hate it because they often feel that winter is coming next.  Either way both are true in any event.     

As a young girl who grew up in Upstate New York, I was always amazed at the amazing colors of fall.  It was and still is my favorite season!  The colors were so vibrant in New England it would take your breath away.  Miles and miles of red, yellow, orange leaves cascading over mountains and through valleys with the occasional white church steeple peeking out amongst the tall colorful trees. Visions that I truly feel influenced me for my life’s journey.  I’ve learned over the years just how color effects your mood, feelings and behaviors.  Let’s see how people can react to warm colors.    

     Red is a strong color that brings to mind feelings of strength, power, energy and excitement.  It also has a fun and playful side like memories of Christmas and Valentine’s Day.  It can be romantic and passionate and evoke strong feelings of love.  Consider your own feelings for the color red and think about some of the influences or experiences that may have contributed to your reaction to this color. 

     Yellow is another strong color and can grab your attention.  If overused, it can be abrasive and can lead to visual fatigue.  Yellow is the most fatiguing color to the eye due to the high amount of light that is reflected.  People are more likely to lose their tempers in yellow rooms and babies tend to cry more, so I would stay away from painting your child’s bedroom yellow. 

         People often describe orange as bright, happy and an uplifting color.  It reminds people of fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving.  For some people orange can be spiritual, energetic, loving life and have vitality.  It sparks an enthusiastic response and energetic feelings.  I think if orange is one of your favorite colors, then you are a lover of people, life and enjoy being noticed.  Orange tends to be controversial as well… you either love it or hate it.

Not everyone responds to color in the same way, how do warm colors make you feel?


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